Bài tập: Cơ sở dữ liệu Pubs
2. Create clustered index stor_id_idx on discounts (stor_id)
3. Create nonclustered index emp_pub_id_idx on employee(emp_id, pub_id) with fillfactor=75
4. sp_helpindex sales
5. select title, type from titles where CONTAINS(notes, ‘”recipes” or “electronic”’)
select title, type from titles where FREETEXT(notes, ‘recipes or electronic’)
Bài tập về nhà: Cơ sở dữ liệu Northwind
1. Create nonclustered index country_index on Suppliers(country, city)
with fillfactor=50, drop_existing
2. select CompanyName from Suppliers (index= country_index) where country=’France’
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